I often receive emails thanking me for pups, which of course makes me feel terrific. Also, with the advancement of the internet, its very nice because a lot of puppy parents keep in touch and I am very often able to see my puppies as they get older. I received one of the nicest emails I have ever received this morning (12/28/20) which prompted me to create this page... Hopefully more will follow! :)
August. Bennet x Judy DOB 5/20/20. Adopted by Ana C. in NC

Hi, Cassie!
I hope the holidays were good to you! I wanted you to know that we decided after some careful planning to fly to Albuquerque and then drive up to Durango, CO to visit my parents for Christmas. We knew we couldn’t leave August behind (we are so in love with him). So on the plane he went! (In the cabin with us in a carrier). He did AMAZING. Not only did he fly like a champ, he walked around the airports greeting people and making friends with TSA agents, arrived at a new house with a new dog (my parents’ Aussie), and had his whole world flipped upside down and he handled it like an absolute champ. He is genuinely the smartest, best-minded dog I’ve ever had. We just got home tonight and he was once again the star of the show stealing hearts at the airports, showing off when other dogs on the plane were barking and he just cocked one eyebrow and went back to sleep, and knowing just what to do during layovers in the pet relief areas.
He also had his first snow!!! Thank you so much for him. He is truly an incredible dog and is such a testament to the dedication and work you’ve put into your breeding program. He is an ambassador for his breed and your program. Thank you again for being such an amazing breeder! He is truly the best Boston I’ve had and that’s saying something because Bostons are always amazing. :)

Peppermint. Bennet x Daizy DOB 11/12/20. Adopted by the Mills Family in NC

Dear Cassie,
I cannot believe it has been a whole year since the day that I still remember, when you told me that Crazy Daizy Mae had her puppies! Our Peppermint was the 7th of 7 born in the litter and she was last but definitely not the least in any way! She is so incredibly SMART, loving, trusting, playful, and just SO stinking sweet! My experience with you really made it all so amazing and I know that no other breeder will compare.... if I ever do this with someone else. Pepper is our first Boston and we have quickly learned that they are the sweetest things. I still need to figure out how to make her stop bouncing so much but I still love her to pieces. Pepper spent her 1st birthday doing her favorite things: eating, hunting squirrels, watching squirrels, staring at squirrels, laying in the sun and playing with her people. She is so loved and we can't wait to get another from you... we think Pepper will love a friend.
The Mills Family